FarmSustainaBl project’s main objective is to apply a holistic approach for decreasing the GHG emissions derived from intensive livestock farming by optimizing the livestock production. This will be done by monitoring the animal feed and behaviour as well as the stable environment by installing Internet of Things devices in the farm.

Additionally, a web based platform with BlockChain Technology (BCT) is developed that collects and analyses all the aforementioned data for providing recommendations to the livestock farming stakeholders (farmers, consultants etc) in order to take management decisions for reducing GHG emissions and enable smart contracts under fair prices among the livestock farming stakeholders


Livestock farming contributes around 6 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases annually



Develop a holistic solution that combines blockchain technology together with smart monitoring technologies for a more efficient, environmentally and economically sustainable livestock farming.
Raise awareness among the livestock farming community (farmers, advisors, researchers, farmers cooperatives, farming industry and policy makers)  on the importance of new technologies and innovations on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change impact.
Foster synergies with other initiatives in the key components of FarmSustainaBl project (decision support systems, precision livestock farming and blockchain technology) for capitalising on existing dissemination channels and networks of the project partners.


Greek Students and Academics learn about FarmSustainaBl

AGENSO participated in a webinar that was organized by the students’ club of the department of Agricultural Development of Democritus University of Thrace, on 12th of December 2020. The webinar was entitled “Precision Agriculture: The Contribution of Technological Systems in Primary Sector”, in which the speakers talked about how modern technologies can help primary sector…

FarmSustainaBl at SusAn’s Virtual Kick-off Seminar

FarmSustainaBl at SusAn’s Virtual Kick-off Seminar

The eight projects that were selected for funding under the joint call 2018, of the three ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI 2, were presented in the Virtual Kick-off Seminar on 18th November 2020. The main purpose of this meeting was for the project consortia to provide insight of their ongoing research on the topic…

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